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design hospitality
Respect for nature is at the core of our hearts,The spirit, people and things that dwell in manufacturingThe thoughts of taking care of.
Despite the continental influence,has created its own cultureJapanese culture.
This Japanese culture, for future earthlings,Things that become valuable.
This Japanese strong base(Solid Foundation)Refining the “food” and “hospitality (customer service)” of the culture that will becomesend to the my friends,For the efforts of people who share the same thoughtsbe helpfulIt is our greatest pleasure.
Solid Foundation Japan
CEO Shogo Izaki(Customer service/restaurant consultant)
YOUTUBE I am in charge of the customer service part on the Tabelog Channel.
にて「伝説のレストランが生まれた日」 開業30年を迎えたパークハイアット東京
「New York Grill&Bar」の誕生秘話を
今、そしてこれからのレストラン創りの ヒントがみえてきます。
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